Our Library
“Education in its truest sense the pursuit of the truth. It is en endless journey through knowledge and enlightment. Such a journey opens up new vistas of development of Humanism” – President A.P. J. Kalam
The Library is the ‘heart’ of any academic institution and plays an important role in all academic activities of the educational institution. Library provides knowledge resources to achieve objectives of the institution and helps in conservation as well as dissemination of knowledge. Our college library performs a variety of functions by the way of collecting information, processing and retrieving the relevant information, helping the students and faculty with text books, reference books and journals, as well as by maintaining an efficient reference and information service, providing Internet facility and Multimedia facility.
The college has a central library facility right from the beginning of the college i.e. 1968. The library is enriched with 128498 books which include text books, reference books and back volumes of periodicals. Library subscribes to 58 periodicals and 32 newspapers. Library possesses highly valuable volumes of which are most sought after by faculty and researchers like Encyclopedia of Britanica, Encyclopedia of Americana, Martahi Vishwakosh, Marathi Vishwacharitra Kosh, International Encyclopedia of Social Science, Yearbooks, dictionaries etc.
Library: Vision, Mission and Objectives
Promote access to library resources, facilities and services needed by members of the higher education community for the successful pursuit of academic programs and research activities.
User satisfaction through quality service is our concern.
To assist the users in upgrading their knowledge /information/ skills in making proper use of Library resources and services.
To give timely and quality services and information to our users.
To provide effective and efficient services to our users.
To plan & design use of prints, e-resources, and cost efficient services.
Enable faculty members, students and other users of the Library to become better informed in their fields of specialization.